
Showing posts from February, 2020


Firstly, welcome to my humble blog! It's certainly quite a pleasure to see you here. As you may have already guessed, my blog will be focused on stationery, especially pens. I've always had a thing for pens. I was *that* child in primary school, the one with minimum 20 pens (scented and/or gel, of course) and a multitude of erasers, sharpeners and pencils all shoved into a bulging pencil case. That was me, and it still is, actually. There is something therapeutic about holding a fine writing instrument in your hand, with your favourite notebook in front of you (a good old lined Pukka Pad for me, actually) and relishing the instant you put pen to paper. Gently put your hand down, watching carefully as the pen makes contact with the paper, blotting slightly as you make your first stroke. Simply mesmerising, I say. Howver, it isn't always mesmerising. Sadly, you can get a dodgy pen, one that looked promising but turned out to be anything but, or you can buy a pen which all...